Military staff rehabilitation

 Since the establishment of the hospital, hundreds of soldiers and reservists have been treated at Loewenstein. Soon after the inauguration of the main hospital wing, in 1973, IDF soldiers injured in the Yom Kippur War were admitted for rehabilitation. At that time the Brain Injury Rehabilitation Department was established to serve soldiers wounded in military operations, and victims of accidents.

Cooperation between the IDF and Loewenstein is very close and has continued for many years. Rehabilitation programs have been adapted to young people and their unique functional needs.

From a letter of commendation of Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, Yitzhak Rabin:

“When they [the soldiers] come to the hospital, they are very upset, frustrated, and anxious because of their difficult situation. In their hearts and in the hearts of those dear to them, there is hope that here, at Loewenstein Hospital, they will receive the medical assistance that they need. Most of them are released singing the praises of the devoted care provided by doctors, nurses, and the multidisciplinary team. Everyone works night and day as best they can to restore them to full functioning and allow them to return to their previous lives.”

From a speech by Shimon Peres, former Israeli President, Prime Minister, and Minister of Defense:

“It is impossible to understand the State of Israel, or at least the secrets of the State of Israel, without a deep understanding of the operation of several entities, which are of paramount importance in our lives. Beit Loewenstein is among those, having managed to save people who were practically sentenced to death.”



Prime Minister lit the first Hanukka candle with wounded IDF soldiers and members of security forces undergoing rehabilitation at Loewenstein Hospital

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    Loewenstein Hospital
    Address: 278 Achuza Street, Raanana 43100 POB 3 Israel
    © All Rights Reserved Loewenstein Hospital. 2025