Nachum Soroker, M.D.

Head, Department of Neurologic Rehabilitation

Education:Medicine: Hebrew University, Hadassah Medical School, Jerusalem, Israel.

Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine: Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital, Raanana, Israel.

Postdoctoral Fellow / Visiting Scientist – England, USA

Current Position:

Head, Department of Neurologic Rehabilitation, Loewenstein Rehabilitation Hospital, Raanana, Israel.

and – Head, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Israel.

National & International Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine (PRM) Activity:

Past President of the Israel Association of PRM.

International Society of PRM (ISPRM) Activity (last 12 years): Chair, Scientific Committee – 2nd ISPRM World Congress; Regional ISPRM Vice President; Member of ISPRM Executive Committee; Chair, ISPRM Website; Member, ISPRM Education, Publication and Finance Committees.

Member of Editorial Board in 4 PRM Journals.

Member, Organizing/Scientific Committees of various International PRM congresses.

Supervision of Students:

5 M.D. students; 16 M.A./Ph.D. students; 6 Basic Science projects of PRM residents.

Scientific Publications:

Original articles: 68 (+2 under review) // Case reports: 3 // Review papers: 2 // Chapters in books: 6

Papers published in abstract/short form in conference proceedings or journals: 29

Other publications: 15 // Papers presented at scientific meetings: 276

Books: N. Soroker, H. Ring (Eds.): Advances in Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.

542 pages, ISBN: 88-323-3122-5, Monduzzi, Bologna, 2003.

Most cited basic-science papers:

Sapir A, Soroker N, Berger A, Henik A. Inhibition of return in spatial attention: direct evidence for collicular generation. Nature Neuroscience, 1999; 2:1053-1054. (IF: 15.25)

Deouell LY, Bentin S, Soroker N. Electrophysiological evidence for early (pre-attentive) information processing deficit in patients with right hemisphere damage and unilateral neglect. Brain, 2000; 123:353-365. (IF: 9.92)

Important recent papers:

Kaufman A, Serfaty C, Deouell L, Rupin E, Soroker N. Multi perturbation analysis of distributed neural networks: the case of spatial neglect. Human Brain Mapping, 2009, 30: 3687-3695. (IF: 6.88)

Sela L, Sacher Y, Serfaty C, Soroker N, Sobel N. Spared and impaired olfactory abilities following thalamic lesions. J Neuroscience, 2009, 29 (39):12059-12069. (IF: 6.91)

Plotkin A, Sela L, Weisbrod A, Kahana R, Yeshurun Y, Soroker N, Sobel N. Nasal sniffing enables communication and environmental control for the severely disabled.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA) – PNAS, 2010, 107 (32):14413-14418. (IF: 9.74)

Frenkel-Toledo S, Bentin S, Liebermann DG, Soroker N. Dynamics of the EEG power in the frequency and spatial domains during observation and execution of manual movements. Brain Research, 2013, 1509:43-57. (IF: 2.88)

Oren N, Soroker N, Deouell LY. Immediate effects of exposure to positive and negative emotional stimuli on visual search characteristics in patients with unilateral neglect . Neuropsychologia, 2013, 51(13):2729-39. (IF: 3.48)

Frenkel-Toledo S, Bentin S, Perry A, Liebermann DG, Soroker N. Mirror neuron system recruitment by action observation: Effects of focal brain damage on mu suppression. NeuroImage, 2013, 87: 127-137. (IF: 6.25)

Moreh E, Seidel-Malkinson T, Zohary E, Soroker N. Visual memory in unilateral spatial neglect: Immediate recall vs. delayed recognition. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2014, 26:2155-2170. (IF: 4.49)

Pavlovskaya M, Soroker N, Bonneh Y, Hochstein S. Computing an average when part of the population is not perceived. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 2015, 27:7 1397-1411. (IF: 4.49)

Bartur G, Pratt H, Dikstein R , Frenkel-Toledo S, Soroker N. Electrophysiological manifestations of mirror visual feedback during manual movement. Brain Research, 2015, 1606:113-124. (IF: 2.88)

Ben-Zvi S, Soroker N, Levy DA. Parietal lesion effects on cued recall following pair associate learning. Neuropsychologia, 2015, 73:176-194. (IF: 3.48)

Read Dr. Soroker’s full English CV

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