Patient Rights

The Patient’s Rights Law was approved by a plenum of the Knesset on May 1, 1996. The law has come to define the relationship between people requiring treatment and doctors and other medical professionals. A major benefit of the law is that it has defined a set of behavioral norms and codes related to patients’ rights that are binding for all medical professionals.

• To receive appropriate medical treatment and kind and thoughtful attitude, while protecting your dignity and privacy, as much as possible.
• Entitlement to the presence of another person during physical examination and according to customary conditions of the hospital.
• To know the name, profession and job of the one who gives you treatment.
• To receive explanations regarding your disease, your offered treatment – including the predicted effectiveness and the possible risks – as well as option of alternative treatment.
• To appoint representative on your behalf (power of attorney), who will be authorized to agree or to refuse instead of you to get medical treatment, under the conditions you will provide.
• To receive medical information from your medical record, including receipt of a copy, subjected to the therapist’s discretion. For more information you may refer to the Medical Records Office.
• To obtain second opinion within your initiation, on your account and under your responsibility and in coordination with the therapeutic staff.
• To know that, as much as possible, and by any applicable law, the information connected with your medical condition and your treatment will be held confidential.
• To inquire to the Patient Rights Supervisor and\or the Superior of the Hospital’s public inquiries in order to obtain consulting and assistance, according to the existing publication within the hospital.

Application for Clinical Treatment

    Loewenstein Hospital
    Address: 278 Achuza Street, Raanana 43100 POB 3 Israel
    © All Rights Reserved Loewenstein Hospital. 2025