Treatment of movement disorders and muscle tone

High percentages of those who suffer from disease or traumatic event within the central nerve system develop disorders of the motor system from the kind of spastic paralysis in the limbs or body.

Spastic paralysis or paralysis with increased muscle tone is symptomized with weakness of voluntary operation of limb or group of muscles combined with non-voluntary spasm of the muscles. Increased muscle tone can sometimes assist function, walking for instance, however it often might cause pain, tendon shortening and limitation of limb movements, it also might affect the functional abilities within mobility or operation of the upper limb. The customary treatments of spasticity include: preventive treatment – in order to remove the causes of the phenomena, physics treatment, medical, surgical and combined treatment. One of the forms of medical treatment includes injection of materials which block the activity of peripheral nerve or muscle and thereby cause relaxation of the muscle. This form of treatment is required while preventive treatment, physics treatment and treatment with parenteral medications are not useful or in cases of increased focused tonus.

The clinic specializes in spasticity treatment through operation of nerve-muscle blocks. The blocks for tonus reduction within our clinic are being made through injection of Phenolic 5%, Botulinum and Marcaine (more relevant for diagnosis purposes). Phenolic injection is made under control of compatible electric stimulation. Utilization of compatible electric stimulation is unique for technique of muscle-nerve block by neurolytic material. As aforesaid, block can be also made by “Botox” injection. In 2009 treatment of muscle-nerve block with Botolinum toxin was entered into the medical benefits for those who have increased tonus in the upper limb following Cerebro Vascular Accident (CVA), meaning that treatment under this medical indication may be obtained within a letter of financial obligation from the health plan. In addition, Botolinum treatment is recognized by the medical benefits for treatment of neck increased tonus (Torticollis) and for children with Cerebral Palsy (until the age of 18) who suffer from increased tonus in the lower limbs.

Application for Clinical Treatment

    Loewenstein Hospital
    Address: 278 Achuza Street, Raanana 43100 POB 3 Israel
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